Friday 30 November 2012


One of the most commonly held myths that people have about steroids is that they are easy to use. The belief is that by simply popping a pill or taking an injection, the user will suddenly grow giant muscles. But just like all things in life, building muscles with steroids takes a good deal of hard work, sound information and routine discipline.

Cycles and stacks
The period of time that a person takes steroids is called a cycle. For safety reasons, users should carefully plan their cycles well in advance before starting them. Proper planning includes learning about and obtaining the steroids you will be using in the cycle. When more than one type of steroid is used in a cycle it is called a stack. Stacking different steroids is an effective way to maximize the muscle-building effect of steroids.
Besides learning about and obtaining the steroids you will use in a cycle, you should also learn about and acquire any supplements used to counteract their side effects, both during the cycle and during the post-cycle recovery period. The more steroids you stack into your cycle, the more side effects you will need to counteract. Along with planning what types of steroids you will use during a cycle, you must also plan what type of cycle to use. There are many ways to cycle steroids, and you may want to test them all and make adjustments until you find the ones that work best for you.

Beginner Cycles
For the steroid novice there are additional factors to consider before starting your first cycle. First, you should not take steroids unless your body has stopped growing. For most men, their bodies stop growing at about age 20. Next, you should already be in shape. You should be two to three years into a steady workout routine and you should also be able to dedicate at least another year and a half to your workout. Finally, you should be comfortable with your ability to obtain real steroids and the supplements you may need for their side effects.
Although there are many types of steroids available today, first-time users should always start with a pure testosterone. Since this is the active agent in most steroids, it is important to know how your body will react to it. A dose of 400 mgs per week should be sufficient to notice some real gains throughout a first cycle. Your first cycle should only be 12 weeks long and you should also spend just as much time to recover before starting another cycle.
After your first, you can begin slowly stacking more steroids into your cycles. You should keep the first several cycles at 12 weeks, however, and follow with a post-cycle recovery plan.
Once your body has become familiar with steroid intake and you’ve learned which compounds work well for you, you may want to experiment with some different types of cycles and stacks to see if you can maximize your results. Some of the most popular cycles are the three-week blitz, the double-mini cycle, the inverted-pyramid cycle and the diamond cycle.

Three-Week Blitz
In the three-week blitz, each steroid is taken for three weeks. Most blitzes will start with a dose of one steroid before moving on to a stronger dose of another. The first dose is taken for two weeks by itself and on the third week the second compound is started so that the two compounds overlap for one week. The next compound is started during the third week of the second compound and so on and so on until the cycle is complete. The cycle is followed by a two-week recovery with HCG 5000 I.U.
week of
a day (5mg)
250mg amp
2 mg tab
100mg amp
200mg vial
HCG 5000
4 tabs/day
5 tabs/day
6 tabs/day1 amp/week
1 amps/week
2 amps/week1 tabs/a day
1 tabs/a day
1 tabs/a day1 amp/ week
2 amps/week
2 amps/week1 vial/week
2 vials/week
2 vials/week
1 vial/week
1 amp/week
1 amp/week
Double Mini CycleIn the double mini cycle, users stack two or three steroids for six weeks. After the first mini cycle, there is a two-week recovery period with HCG 5000 I.U. before the second mini cycle. The second cycle uses the same compounds as the first. After the second mini cycle, the user recovers for two months.
week of cycle
200mg vial
tabs 50mg tab
5000 I.U.
100mg amp
tabs 2mg tab
1 vial/week1 tab/day
1 vial/week2 tabs/day
2 vials/week2 tabs/day
2 vials/week3 tabs/day
2 vials/week2 tabs/day
1 vial/week1 tab/day
1 amp/ week
1 amp/ week
2 amps/week4 tabs/day
2 amps/week4 tabs/day
3 amps/week5 tabs/day
3 amps/week6 tabs/day
3 amps/week5 tabs/day
2 amps/week4 tabs/day
Inverted PyramidBecause the inverted pyramid cycle begins with a large amount of steroids and decreases until there are very little steroids in the body, it is the cycle choice for many athletes who undergo urine testing. This cycle is not recommended for beginners because it is unsafe for anyone to start using steroids with high doses.
week of
200 mg vial
250 mg amps
2 mg tab
2 vials/week2 amps/week8 tabs/day
1,5 vials/week1,5 amps/week7 tabs/day
1,5 vials/week1,5 amps/week6 tabs/day
1 vial/week1 amp/week5 tabs/day
1 vial/week1 amp/week4 tabs/day
1 vial/week1 amp/week3 tabs/day
0,5 vial/week0,5 amp/week2 tabs/day
0,5 vial/week0,5 amp/week1 tabs/day
Diamond CycleThe diamond cycle is the exact opposite of the inverted pyramid cycle. In the diamond cycle, the user begins with a small amount of steroids and increases the dose over time. The dose is then decreased over time until it is back to level it started at. This is a good cycle for users who are not complete novices but are ready to begin trying new cycles.
week of
(5mg tabs)
250mg / amp
HCG 5000
I.U./ 1 cc amp
3 tabs/day1 amp/week
3 tabs/day1 amp/week
4 tabs/day2 amp/week
5 tabs/day2 amp/week
5 tabs/day2 amp/week
6 tabs/day3 amp/week
6 tabs/day3 amp/week
7 tabs/day3 amp/week
5 tabs/day2 amp/week
4 tabs/day2 amp/week
3 tabs/day1 amp/week
3 tabs/day1 amp/week
1 amp/week
1 amp/week

Although the natural bodybuilding world would like you to believe that you can obtain the same amount of muscle mass as pharmaceutically enhanced bodybuilders without using steroids, this is completely false. The gains made by using steroids are far greater than what can be made naturally. However, steroids do not magically grow muscles you must dedicate yourself to a disciplined workout routine to obtain the desired buildup of muscle mass. In fact, working out is absolutely necessary because the steroids can cause excessive bloating and other more pronounced side effects unless you workout enough to burn the body fat and water retention associated with steroid use.
When planning your workouts, there are several factors to consider. First, to kick the body into muscle-building gear and out of its state of homeostasis, you need to plan a high intensity workout. This means you should plan for a workout with few sets that work the muscle until it fails. Large muscle groups will need more sets than small ones, but no more than eight sets are necessary to get the desired results. Your sets should also be consist of a small number of reps. Ten reps should be sufficient for any workout as long as you are using heavy weights. You should increase the weights you lift as you get stronger to keep the workouts stressful on the muscles. If you can easily get through a set and you are not lifting until muscle failure, increase the weight.
While stressful workouts stimulate the muscles, they do not grow until they are at rest. You should only workout one muscle group at a time about once a week and you should always workout every other day to allow the body enough rest time to grow the muscles. Also, after a period of intense training, you should take a few days off to rest and then start a plateau training program that is intended to keep you in shape but not necessarily to gain more mass.
Because it is very likely that you will make gains of 20 pounds or more in a relatively short time, it is important to keep up a regular cardiovascular exercise workout as well to keep the heart in shape to handle the new body mass. Three to four half-hour cardio workouts a week should be sufficient to keep your heart healthy for your new body.

While it is true that Using anabolic steroids will allow the body to grow larger muscles than what your natural genetics will allow, you are still bound by the basic rules of physiology you can not grow more mass unless you intake more mass in your diet. One of the most common reasons why bodybuilders show stagnate gains in their muscle mass is poor nutrition.
Most people have bad habits when it comes to eating, which is why obesity is such a problem today. For bodybuilders, especially those using steroids, a disciplined diet can mean all the difference in the world when it comes to gains in muscle mass. Changing eating habits is hard to do but if you follow these simple guidelines, you can maximize the results of your diet.
Eat more meals per day
Most of us have become indoctrinated to the thee-meal-a-day lifestyle  a large breakfast, hearty lunch and a dinner feast. Unfortunately, this is not an ideal eating schedule for the body and can lead to more unhealthy habits, like skipping lunch because of a large breakfast, for example. By consuming five to six meals throughout the day, the body will begin to release insulin continuously. Insulin carries amino acids, an essential building block of muscles.

Eat regularlyOne of the most important aspects of a proper diet is not what you eat but when. The body reacts best when it is kept of a strict schedule. By eating at the same times every day, you will optimize the nutrition of your diet. Because most of us live fairly hectic lives, eating on schedule will require a lot of pre-planning. Be sure to pack brunches, lunches and afternoon snacks ahead of time on busy days and always eat your breakfasts and dinners at the same time.

Increase your caloric intake
The average diet consists of 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day. This is actually quite healthy for most people, and with a little exercise, this diet will keep a person in decent shape. But for those who are using anabolic steroids and are adhering to a strenuous workout regime, the recommended diet is around 5,000 calories per day.
Protein, protein, protein
The most essential part of any bodybuilder diet is protein. Because protein breaks down in the and turns into amino acids (the most essential building block for muscles), it is important to maintain a high intake of protein in order to continue growth. The best sources for protein come from meat, fish, eggs and milk. An effective diet for bodybuilders is a protein intake of one to one and a half grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day. This amount should be adequate enough to maintain a positive nitrogen balance in the muscle cell meaning the cell takes in more protein than it gives out.
Carbs galore

Carbohydrates are an important factor to a proper diet for athletes because they are essential to giving the body energy, maintaining blood-sugar levels and burning fat. A recommended amount of 800 to 900 grams of carbohydrates should be consumed daily. Good sources of complex carbohydrates, which should be about 85 percent of your carbohydrate intake, are whole grains, rice, oats, noodles, pasta and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates, which should be the remaining 15 percent of your carbohydrate intake, come from fruit.



On Monday, do five sets of squats for five repetitions per set. Choose a moderate weight, and progressively add five to 10 pounds each week to develop power. Rest on Tuesday. Do five sets of five repetitions for the bench press on Wednesday, starting with a moderate weight and adding five to 10 pounds each week. Take Thursday off, and do five sets of dead lifts for five repetitions on Friday, adding five to 10 pounds each week. Do five sets of barbell curls for five repetitions, adding five pounds each week. Rest on Saturday and Sunday.


Eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins to power up your workouts and feed your muscles. Complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables keep your energy levels high and blood sugar levels stable, helping you gain power without gaining too much excess fat. Proteins like tuna and chicken breast provide your body with critical amino acids, the building blocks of muscle. Avoid overloading on sugary or fatty foods. Just because you want to take in a high number of calories doesn't mean you should carb up on poor nutritional choices.


Keep a training log to track gains, helping you gauge progress. Avoid overtraining which can lead to general fatigue and injury. Stick to your workout plan and seek to make slow, gradual gains in the gym. Wear a bench shirt and use lifting straps, a lifting belt and knee wraps to improve the weight on your lifts.

Additional Exercises

If you feel like you could add more exercises to your routine, on Mondays, do three sets of eight to 10 reps of front squats and three sets of glute raises for eight to 10 repetitions. On Wednesdays, include three sets of five repetitions for the close-grip bench press, adding five to 10 pounds each week. Do two sets of triceps pushdowns for 10 repetitions to add power to your upper arms. On Fridays, add three sets of barbell rows for six to eight repetitions.


Workout Summary
    Increase Strength
  •  Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines
  •  Male & Female

Workout Description

The 100% powerlifting workout. This workout is specifically designed for guy competing in powerlifting competitions. This doesn't mean you can't use it, this workout is great for increasing your strength.
This workout is not for muscle mass, it's purely for strength gains. You may experience muscle gains, but you will benefit much more from a bodybuilding workout. You must train with a spotter for this workout because you're training heavy with weights close to your 1 REP MAX on almost every set.

Daily Workout Schedule:

Day 1 - Monday - Chest & Back
Barbell Bench Press5See instructions
Dumbbell Bench Press48, 6, 6, 4
Weighted Chest Dip44-6
Seated Row510,8,8,8,6
Bench press: Warmup 10 reps of 50% 1 REP MAX. 4 sets of 2-3 reps 75-95% 1 REP MAX. Last set do your 1 REP MAX.
Tuesday: Rest Day/Abdominal Work
Day 2 - Wednesday - Legs
Squat6See instructions
Leg Curl44-6
Leg Extension44-6
Standing Calf Raise415
Warmup. 6 sets total. First 4 sets, 2-3 reps 90% 1 REP MAX. 5th set 1 REP MAX, 6th set increase 1 REP MAX.
Thursday: Rest Day/Abdominal Work
Day 3 - Friday - Shoulders and Triceps
Military Press46
Incline Bench Press46
Dumbbell Front Raise48
Close Grip Bench Press410, 8, 6, 4
Lying Tricep Extension46-8
Day 4 - Saturday - Legs
Leg Curl410
Smith Machine Lunge56 each leg
Standing Calf Raise510-15
Sunday: Day Off - Take a Break

HOW TO DEADLIFT ; with videos



With feet flat beneath bar, squat down and grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly wider over hand or mixed grip.


Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension. Pull shoulders back at top of lift if rounded. Return and repeat.


Target muscle is exercised isometrically. Throughout lift keep hips low, shoulders high, arms and back straight. Knees should point same direction as feet throughout movement. Keep bar close to body to improve mechanical leverage. Grip strength and strength endurance often limits ability to perform multiple reps at heavy resistances. Gym chalk, wrist straps, grip work, and mixed grip can be used to enhance grip. Mixed grip indicates one hand holding with over hand grip and other hand holding with underhand grip.Lever barbell jack can be used lift barbell from floor for easier loading and unload of weight plates.

check these videos



    • 1
      A fast foot to the groin will hurt.
      Step back, plant your foot, and as your attacker approaches, come straight up between his legs with an accurate kick into the groin area. Be swift and strong about it or you will just upset him. Maintain your balance by keeping your knees bent and your torso leaning toward the kick. This move can debilitate a guy, and even a girl, in no time.
    • 2
      Whap the ears with a cupped hand.
      Cup your hands and in a wide, fast motion, slam them both against your opponent's ears, as hard as you can. Boxing the ears this way is an underused technique that works very well. It produces a violent sound wave that has the potential to blow out your opponent's eardrums. This is not fun for the attacker and will leave him reeling in paiN
    • 3
      Palm-Strike the nose, and win your freedom.
      Bring your palm powerfully either up under the nose, or down atop the bridge of the nose. The nose is an extremely delicate area. A powerful uppercut palm-strike to the bottom of the nose can break it easily. Coming down from above with the palm of your hand onto the bridge of the nose can have the same effect. Either of these moves are very likely to convince your opponent to back off.
    • 4
      If your opponent does this, kick him in the chest.
      Kick with all your might, using the heel of your foot, directly into your opponent's solar plexus. The solar plexus is the indented area directly in the middle of your chest, at the bottom of your ribs where they come together. A good kick to this point will knock the wind out of your opponent and send him to the ground for a few minutes. A strong palm strike or knee strike here can have a similar effect. This isn't generally a spot that an untrained attacker is expecting to be hit -- if he is expecting you to hit him at all -- so keep your eye out for the chance to use it.
    • 5
      Make your opponent see stars by stomping on her foot.
      Stomp on a foot. The bones of the foot are extremely delicate and can be broken with less force than you may imagine. Whether or not you are out to actually break bones is your decision, but use enough force to make sure your attacker gets the idea. You can use this move especially if you find yourself in any kind of choke or holding situation that you need to escape from. If your opponent can't stand up, she can't come after you.

      Tips & Warnings

      Unless you are looking for a fight, the best thing to do in a self-defense situation is to get out of it as quickly as possible, and away from your attacker.

      Debilitating your attacker is also important. Make sure he's down and will stay down long enough for you to put some distance between the both of you.

      Consider taking a few workouts with punching bags at the local gym so you become more familiar with moving, hitting and kicking.

      If you are concerned about a known threat, consider buying pepper spray or foam. It's better to have a defensive tool and not need it than to need it and not have it.

      Without proper self-defense training beforehand, you may be at a disadvantage against someone who is aggressively coming after you. Chances are you are not his first victim and he will have experience with similar physical situations. Stay aware and ahead of his actions.

      If it looks as though your opponent has actual training of any kind, then do all you can to avoid physical contact.