Thursday 29 November 2012


If you always end up weighing a pound more than the last time you checked your weight in spite of following an exercise regimen and diet control, there are underlying causes triggering  the abnormal weight gain. Take a look at some surprising causes of weight gain that are costing you your sleep.

Cushing's Syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome is a hormonal disorder in which the level of cortisol (a hormone) rises suddenly due to which fat accumulates around the face, neck, waist, abdomen and upper back while the arms and legs remain slender. The prevalence of Cushing’s syndrome is usually characterised by a “moon face” and “buffalo hump”. Symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome include:
  • thickening of skin
  • irregular menstrual cycles
  • hypertension
  • hair loss, especially in women and
  • glucose intolerance.

Corticosteroid, which is a steroid hormone used in different treatment plans of various diseases can also lead to weight gain.

Emotional Eating

Emotional eating happens when a person indulges in binge eating to comfort his feelings and emotions rather than his hunger. He takes large quantities of food, especially junk food to satiate his emotional and mental tensions. Food bring short-term relief to the person going through an emotional turmoil. Therefore, after every stressful episode, the person turns to food instead of acquiring skills to tackle his mental and emotional distress. Depression, loneliness, stress and anxiety, issues related to interpersonal relationships and chronic anger may trigger a person to eat more, resulting in surprising weight gain.


Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce the required amount of hormones that decrease the metabolism rate, which in turn leads to fat accumulation, thus causing weight gain.  Hypothyroidism also causes water retention, which is another potent reason for sudden increase in weight. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue and tiredness, lethargy, inflammation of the face or of the area around the eyes, dry and flaky skin, decreased sweating, poor memory, speech impairment, slow speech, hoarse voice, weakness, intolerance to cold and headache.

Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency

Our body requires essential fatty acids for an unhampered production of hormones and to maintain the body's metabolic rate. If one’s body lacks the required amount of essential fatty acids, it may lead to cravings, especially for fatty and oily foods. The early indications of deficiency of fatty acids include dandruff, dry hair and dry and scaly skin.


People, who take antidepressants, often suffer from obesity and other overweight problems. Prolonged course of antidepressants leads to abnormal weight gain. Ask your personal physician if your antidepressant drug course can be changed. People whose mental condition improves after taking antidepressants tend to eat more, which thereby leads to temporary weight gain. 

Get yourself diagnosed by a doctor to treat conditions, such as hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome or they may lead to other health issues other than weight gain.

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